(This Blog entry is in response to Part C: Discussion of Media Studies: Representation Test)
Miley Cyrus, or Hannah Montana, is the latest teen pop sensation. There's always some one that all the 7-year old girls idolize and right now it's her. She's basically one big marketing campaign, you can buy Hannah Montana Cd's, Hannah Montana movies, Hannah Montana clothes, Hannah Montana dolls, Hannah Montana pillows, Hannah Montana bed sheets, Hannah Montana video games, Hannah Montana bicycles, Hannah Montana cutlery, Hannah Montana just about anything. What I'm trying to say is this: The world loves Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus.
Like all great teen sensations she is bound to fall sooner or later, and if history repeats itself, it's only a matter of time until she shaves her head and checks into rehab. So far, Miley hasn't really done anything wrong, and the media is getting anxious. So, they decided to take her every mistake and amplify it ten fold.
Recently ABC News released a photo of her and some friends squinting their eyes, instantly she was accused of "mocking and denigrating individuals of Asian descent." Of course, she countered back saying that she was merely making a "goofy face."
So, the question is: was she really being racist? Or just goofing around?
I find it strange that it was instantly assumed that she was imitating an Asian. Yes, that is a common gesture used to stereotype Asians but, we must keep in mind, that very same gesture is also used to imitate someone who has had a face lift. So, maybe she wasn't imitating an Asian at all, maybe she was imitating someone who had had plastic surgery.
Or maybe she is, in fact, imitating an Asian. As ABC pointed out: the only person in the picture not doing "Asian Eyes" is the actual Asian. Was it some kind of joke? Did they decide "Lets all be Asian in this picture! But Johnny you don't have to do anything cause your already Asian!" I found it funny that the Asian boy's eyes aren't really squinted at all when you compare it to the imitators, it just shows how ridiculous and over-exaggerated the stereotype is.
Another part of the picture that indicates that they were indeed imitating Asian's is the guy in the back. He is holding up the peace sign (two fingers) which is something the Asian's are commonly stereotyped to do. Then again, maybe he is trying to give the guy in front of him "bunny ears" which also another stereotype of Asian's.
After taking a few looks at the photo I now find it hard to believe that she wasn't imitating an Asian.
Why would Miley do a thing like this? Is she trying to make a stab at an ethnic group? Of course not. She is doing exactly what she said she was, goofing off. This is just common teen shenanigans, she never meant to offend anyone, stuff like this happens all the time. But, like she said herself, the only reason this is a big deal is because it is her doing it. If it was just some average Joe no one would care, but because it is Miley Cyrus/ Hannah Montana doing it, suddenly it's important.
This raises another question: knowing that she is a huge role model for young girls everywhere, is it her responsibility to set a good example? Yes, and she shouldn't have done it. Even if she was just having fun and joking around she still shouldn't have done it. This has to considered from different perspectives. What about all the little girls who idolize her and dream to be like her? They love to imitate everything she does, suddenly they're going to get the idea that it is "ok" to imitate minorities. What about the Asian children? They might get the idea that they are "different" and feel separated from others. Of course parents will be concerned about the kind of impression she is leaving on their children.
This was a mistake on her behalf but I still believe the media is taking advantage of the situation. There are a lot worse things that celebrity role models have done, but the media is just waiting for Miley to mess up so they can be there to publish it. Miley better brace herself, because this is only the beginning.
Apr 26, 2009
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